Centrotherm-Vacuum Soldering Systems
- VLO 6 / VLO 12 Vacuum Soldering System
- The centrotherm VLO 6 and VLO 12 vacuum soldering systems have been designed for Advanced Packaging and Power Semiconductor applications.
- VLO20 Vacuum Soldering System
- The centrotherm VLO 20 vacuum soldering system meets the highest demands of R&D departments as well as the needs of small production facilities which use vacuum to achieve voidless soldering joints.
- VLO180/VLO300 Vacuum Soldering System
- The centrotherm VLO 180 or VLO 300 vacuum soldering systems are ideally suited for high volume production facilities with various materials up to 750 C.
Centrotherm-Horizontal Furnaces
- E1200
- The E1200 small batch laboratory system supports the multiple process capability needs of a low volume production with high process performance.
- E1550
- The centrotherm E1550 system is optimized to support the multiple process capability needs of a medium volume and high process performance user in a easy-tomaintain horizontal furnace platform.
- E2000
- The design of the centrotherm E2000 system supports the multiple process capability needs of a maximum capacity.
Centrotherm-High Temperature Furnace
- Activator 150
- The centrotherm Activator 150 high temperature furnace line has been developed for post implantation annealing of Silicon Carbide (SiC) or Gallium Nitride (GaN) devices.
- Verticoo 200
- Designed for high volume production with a maximum throughput rate and a high degree of flexibility, the verticoo 200 is suitable for all standard atmospheric and low pressure CVD processes.
- Oxidator 150
- The Oxidator 150 is a high-temperature furnace, especially designed for the oxidation of silicon carbide (SiC) by centrotherm thermal solutions.
- Muffle Furnace for Serial Production and R&D.
- CT-BW 2009
- The CT--BW 2009 series point--of--use abatement systems are highly efficient systems used in CVD-and etching applications for photovoltaicsemiconductor and other related industries
- CT-W Scrubber
- Wet Scrubber systems are a proven solution for the treatment of waste gases emitted in different CVD and etching processes.
- CT-D Dry Bed
- The centrotherm CT-D Dry Bed Absorber offers a safe, efficient and reliable point-of-use abatement solution for the semiconductor, photovoltaic and related industries.